Monday, December 1, 2008

Chapter 11 Recreational Resources

Chapter 11 Recreation

Mojave Desert is a great place to experience the outdoors and to enjoy many recreational activities. Many people visit Mojave just to see the wide open spaces and to get away from it all. I have listed many activities for recreation.

Off-Highway Vehicles – Certain areas are designated for off roading

Desert Photography – Many people come to Mojave to photograph the beautiful and changing environment.

Rock and Treasure hunting – Minerals and geodes attract the many visitors who enjoy look for rocks or “gold.”

Water Sports – Even though this is a desert there are rivers and streams for fishing.

Mojave is also a great place for rafting, boating and swimming where there are dams or lakes.

Wildlife Viewing – Mojave Desert has over 450 wildlife refuges which allow visitors to see animals in their natural environment. Also, of interest are the wild flowers of this region.

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